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發布時間:2024-10-04 06:35:22

『壹』 求史密斯夫婦的英文影評

In the end of the day, "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" is a classic Hollywood proction: big guns, fast paced action sequences, lots of punch lines that'll thrill the audience, and two stunningly beautiful lead actors (who somehow remain beautiful, despite all the mass destruction going around them throughout the second half of the film). The pre-release buzz regarding the dynamic o's on screen chemistry is absolutely true: as a pair, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are even more sparkling and charismatic then when they are apart (on screen wise, I mean; don't know what's happening off-screen). As a matter of fact, I could have sworn I actually saw them shining ring several parts of the film. Add that to director Doug Liman's unique, if controversial, directing techniques (with many of the stylistic action scenes followed by melodramatic music and sharp camera movements) - and you've got yourself a certified crowd pleaser, and the best action film to come on screen... well, since Liman's "The Bourne Identity" three years ago.



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