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發布時間:2024-10-08 07:47:39

A. 中國十大軍事題材電影 中國海軍有多少艘軍艦


劉國忠(任達華 飾)是一個身患絕症的警察,他的前途暗淡無光,他接到任務要保護一個證人的女兒。督察馬軍(甄子丹 飾)是身手了得的武術家,一心要接替忠的位置。忠派去黑道大哥寶爺(洪金寶 飾)身邊的卧底意外死亡,原因不明,忠懷疑是寶爺所為。於是把寶爺押送到警局盤問,苦於沒有證 據,忠迫不得已開始捏造證據控告寶爺,全警局都深諳此道,只有軍蒙在鼓裡。 然而,證據神秘消失,寶爺走出警局時,揚言要殺掉忠的所有手下,果然他身邊的冷血殺手Jack(吳京 飾)幹掉了忠一幫下屬,馬軍意外發現,忠的下屬和寶爺之間原來還另有恩怨,馬軍怒火中燒,決定與寶爺和Jack決一死戰

B. 哪裡可以免費下載電影




C. 《戰狼 _電影720P高清迅雷下載》完整版下載

《戰狼》是由吳京執導的現代軍事戰爭片,該片由吳京,余男、倪大紅、斯科特·阿金斯 、周曉鷗等主演。

D. 求好看的軍事類電影,最好是美國大片

父輩的旗幟 講硫磺島戰爭的
珍珠港 很出名不用說了
黑鷹敢死隊 特種部隊
U 571 海戰
兵臨城下 戰爭中的狙擊手 經典

E. 五月花號 電影在線觀看或者下載!

英文介紹:From their self-imposed exile in Holland and perilous Atlantic crossing in the Mayflower to unimaginable hardships encountered in their new land, this is the definitive story of the Pilgrims and how they came to live--and ultimately prosper--in the harsh climate of an unfamiliar world.

This History Channel presentation of the pilgrims is two and a half hours of a well-known and very important part of our American history, although you may not realize how little you actually do know of these separatists and of the times they lived. In fact, it certainly is more movie than documentary and, although interspersed throughout are historians filling in the gaps, this docu-drama is as engulfing and riveting as any full-length period movie I have seen. The lives and times of these early European settlers are authentically portrayed by use of English Shakespearian actors, and the quality shows. Never have I seen any other film put flesh on the bones of the pilgrims to the extent this one does. A social history extravaganza!
The clothing, lighting, effects (especially while on the Mayflower), and, at times, even some of the speech patterns are reflected fairly accurately. I did not see the typical revisionist history so often reflected in many of today's historical depictions. They were very religious folk bent on keeping their practices, even if they had to cross the ocean to do it, and this movie shows that in no uncertain terms.
The Indian dramatization was done very well for the most part, although I would have preferred to have their speech in their original (or close to their original) language and include the use of sub-titles.
Oh well, can't have everything.
As an extra added bonus, by the way, there are a couple of short (too short!) extra's - one features the making of this extraordinary documentary, and the other has outtakes and bloopers.
For teachers and lovers of history I recommend this docu-drama very highly. A wonderful way to learn about our early American history.
Most Americans know the story of the Pilgrims and Mayflower...or do they? The History Channel has done a great job here, showing us that there is more to the story than we'd been taught. For example, who knew that many of the Pilgrims had actually moved to the Netherlands for an extended period (12 years or so) before deciding to try their luck in the New World? Or that there were actually two ships (the other being called The Speedwell), but the 2nd one was left behind because it was deemed un-seaworthy? Or that the Pilgrims landed first, not at Plymouth, but on Cape Cod, only to be driven off by the Native Americans there? These facts and many others are revealed in this interesting film.
It will be worth the dvd coming out the end of January. Shown now as Thanksgiving day fare. It is really an untold story. That is, the story of the struggles of the Separatist (Pilgims) in the 13 years before the Mayflower ever sailed. That was 1607, the year the first sucessful permanent colony was established in Virginia, named after King James. England was Protestant & The Anglican Church of England was the only lawful religion. James seemed to be quite pious in that regard. Not to the Separatist, who were loyal to the king in every way except religious. They printed tracts & even accused the King of popishness. This angered him & he harassed them until they left England for Holland. There they were tolerated but somewhat isolated & empoverished. This could not be a permanent solution & they decided that America might be option to consider. They needed a charter from King James who was basically angry with them but readily agree. He did not like them in Holland & in America they would be far away & out of his hair. Obtaining a ship, crew & provisions for the long trip was not cheap. Eventually they had to take non-believers with them who had money & for various reasons also wanted to leave. They had several fitful starts & even had to turn back several times. Finally they left England in late summer of 1620, a bad time to leave & even worse to land for it got them to America with winter bearing down & no chance to plant crops. They never got to Virginia. Instead they landed in Massachuetts Bay, outside of the area of their charter from the king. The weather prevented them from sailing out & around Cape Cod & south to Viginia. So there they stayed. Technically, they were no longer ruled by English law & the non-believers aboard knew this. They were not going to be governed by the rules that the separatist proposed once they landed. Both groups were of about equal size & what came about was the first great document in our history, The Mayflower Compact. Essentially a consensus document setting up a government with laws that all groups could live with. Quite remarkable. This document saved their lives. If they had split they surely would have perished. As it was, half the people died that winter. They pulled together & made it. These events were recorded for posterity by one of the original Pilgrims, William Bradford, who was there & later would become Govenor of the colony until shortly before his death in 1657. The reenactments for this documentary were quite well done. They choose a permenant site but not before fleeing & fighting some Native American tribes for stealing their seed corn & making friends with another tribe. A claim that there were over 50,000,000 people in North America at this time is hard to believe. But if true the number that died from disease & at the hands of Europeans over the next 250 years is truly a disaster eclipsing other examples of mass extinctions in history. By fall 1621 there was enough bounty to have a festival. According to this telling, the natives just dropped in bringing wild turkeys & both groups partied together for three days & nights. They ate all of the Pilgrims food. Later, they brought in supplies of venision, a high prestige gift of respect. The Pilgims were expected to do the same, that is drop in any time uninvited to eat & stay overnight. This version did not mention a story I had heard. The Pligims landed where they did because they were in a hurry to set up a brewery, having run through the ship's supply of beer. One thing that is important to point out is the Pilgrims did not come to America to practice religious freedom. They came to America for the freedom to practice their religion.



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