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Ⅰ 邁克爾·傑·懷特主演的哪幾部電影很好看

作為導演的電影作品(數量:1)"Wonderland" Pilot ------- (2000)

作為演員的電影作品(數量:44)鐵血戰士Ⅱ Predators ------- (2010)
Black Dynamite ------- (2009)
血和骨 Blood and Bone ------- (2009)
李小龍傳奇 "The Legend of Bruce Lee" ------- (2008)
蝙蝠俠前傳2:黑暗騎士/黑暗騎士(台)/蝙蝠俠-黑夜之神(港) The Dark Knight ------- (2008)
"Spawn: The Animation" ------- (2008)
我為什麼結婚了?/後悔莫及 Why Did I Get Married? ------- (2007)
終極鬥士2/終極悍將2/黑獄拳霸 Undisputed II: Last Man Standing ------- (2006)
隨機人選/玩到盡頭 Getting Played ------- (2005)
"Clubhouse" ------- (2004)
飛鷹女俠/飛鷹 Fei ying ------- (2004)
UnConventional ------- (2004)
Justice ------- (2003)
Hotel ------- (2003)
De Superman à Spider-Man: L'aventure des super-héros ------- (2002)
Pandora's Box ------- (2002)
絕命出路/以毒攻毒/豹子膽 Exit Wounds ------- (2001)
正義聯盟/超人正義聯盟 "Justice League" ------- (2001)
"Wonderland" ------- (2000)
"Wonderland" Pilot ------- (2000)
"Static Shock" ------- (2000)
捍衛自由 Freedom Song ------- (2000)
The Bus Stop ------- (2000)
冠軍的早餐/茶煲大帝 Breakfast of Champions ------- (1999)
叛艦大行動 Mutiny ------- (1999)
再造戰士2/宇宙戰士:重返戰場 Universal Soldier: The Return ------- (1999)
賭世至尊 Thick as Thieves ------- (1998)
Ringmaster ------- (1998)
The Making of 'Spawn' ------- (1997)
閃靈悍將/再生俠 Spawn ------- (1997)
危險天王 City of Instry ------- (1997)
Captive Heart: The James Mink Story ------- (1996)
山谷兩日 2 Days in the Valley ------- (1996)
Shaughnessy ------- (1996)
Lion Strike ------- (1995)
雄霸拳壇泰森傳 Tyson ------- (1995)
Ballistic ------- (1995)
俠盜高飛 Full Contact ------- (1993)
再造戰士/魔鬼命令/宇宙戰士 Universal Soldier ------- (1992)
忍者龜2/忍者龜續集/忍者神龜2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze ------- (1991)
真我假我 True Identity ------- (1991)
響火 Ring of Fire ------- (1991)
復仇者 2 The Toxic Avenger, Part II ------- (1989)
The Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie ------- (1989)

作為編劇的電影作品(數量:2) Black Dynamite ------- (2009)
"Wonderland" Pilot ------- (2000)

作為特技演員的電影作品(數量:2) 非常地帶/極地雄風 On Deadly Ground ------- (1994)
洛杉磯2057 Prototype ------- (1992)

作為其他職員的電影作品(數量:3)終極鬥士2/終極悍將2/黑獄拳霸 Undisputed II: Last Man Standing ------- (2006)
The Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie ------- (1989)
復仇者 2 The Toxic Avenger, Part II ------- (1989)

Ⅱ 尋找邁克爾.加.懷特的全部電影

Michael Jai White電影作品列表:(一共 52 個電影作品)
"Wonderland" Pilot ------- (2000)
鐵血戰士Ⅱ Predators ------- (2010)
Black Dynamite ------- (2009)
血和骨 Blood and Bone ------- (2009)
李小龍傳奇 "The Legend of Bruce Lee" ------- (2008)
蝙蝠俠前傳2:黑暗騎士/黑暗騎士(台)/蝙蝠俠-黑夜之神(港) The Dark Knight ------- (2008)
"Spawn: The Animation" ------- (2008)
我為什麼結婚了?/後悔莫及 Why Did I Get Married? ------- (2007)
終極鬥士2/終極悍將2/黑獄拳霸 Undisputed II: Last Man Standing ------- (2006)
隨機人選/玩到盡頭 Getting Played ------- (2005)
"Clubhouse" ------- (2004)
飛鷹女俠/飛鷹 Fei ying ------- (2004)
UnConventional ------- (2004)
Justice ------- (2003)
Hotel ------- (2003)
De Superman à Spider-Man: L'aventure des super-héros ------- (2002)
Pandora's Box ------- (2002)
絕命出路/以毒攻毒/豹子膽 Exit Wounds ------- (2001)
正義聯盟/超人正義聯盟 "Justice League" ------- (2001)
"Wonderland" ------- (2000)
"Wonderland" Pilot ------- (2000)
"Static Shock" ------- (2000)
捍衛自由 Freedom Song ------- (2000)
The Bus Stop ------- (2000)
冠軍的早餐/茶煲大帝 Breakfast of Champions ------- (1999)
叛艦大行動 Mutiny ------- (1999)
再造戰士2/宇宙戰士:重返戰場 Universal Soldier: The Return ------- (1999)
賭世至尊 Thick as Thieves ------- (1998)
Ringmaster ------- (1998)
The Making of 'Spawn' ------- (1997)
閃靈悍將/再生俠 Spawn ------- (1997)
危險天王 City of Instry ------- (1997)
Captive Heart: The James Mink Story ------- (1996)
山谷兩日 2 Days in the Valley ------- (1996)
Shaughnessy ------- (1996)
Lion Strike ------- (1995)
雄霸拳壇泰森傳 Tyson ------- (1995)
Ballistic ------- (1995)
俠盜高飛 Full Contact ------- (1993)
再造戰士/魔鬼命令/宇宙戰士 Universal Soldier ------- (1992)
忍者龜2/忍者龜續集/忍者神龜2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze ------- (1991)
真我假我 True Identity ------- (1991)
響火 Ring of Fire ------- (1991)
復仇者 2 The Toxic Avenger, Part II ------- (1989)
The Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie ------- (1989)
Black Dynamite ------- (2009)
"Wonderland" Pilot ------- (2000)
非常地帶/極地雄風 On Deadly Ground ------- (1994)
洛杉磯2057 Prototype ------- (1992)
終極鬥士2/終極悍將2/黑獄拳霸 Undisputed II: Last Man Standing ------- (2006)
The Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie ------- (1989)
復仇者 2 The Toxic Avenger, Part II ------- (1989)

Ⅲ 邁克爾·加·懷特的電影

特遣部隊(2011) 我們的聚會We the Party(2011) 永不退縮2(2011) 14號貨箱 Hangar 14(2011) 美少女特工隊/專扁衰仔 Sucker Punch(2011) 我怎麼又結婚了 Why Did I Get Married Too? (2010) Three Bullets (2009) 黑色炸葯 Black Dynamite (2009) 血和骨 Blood and Bone (2009) 李小龍傳奇 "The Legend of Bruce Lee" (2008) 蝙蝠俠前傳2:黑暗騎士/黑暗騎士(台)/蝙蝠俠:黑夜之神(港) The Dark Knight (2008) 我為什麼結婚了?/後悔莫及 Why Did I Get Married? (2007) "Spawn: The Animation" (2007) The Underground Bounty Hunter (2007) Justice League Heroes (2006) 終極悍將II Undisputed II: Last Man Standing (2006) Shaughnessy (2006) Cross (2006) 隨機人選/玩到盡頭 Getting Played (2005) 飛鷹女俠/飛鷹 Fei ying (2004) UnConventional (2004) Playmakers of New Orleans (2003) Justice (2003) Pandora's Box (2002) 絕命出路 Exit Wounds (2001) "Wonderland" (2000) The Bus Stop (2000) 捍衛自由 Freedom Song (2000) Wonderland (2000) 再造戰士2/魔鬼命令2:重返戰場/宇宙戰士2 Universal Soldier: The Return (1999) 冠軍的早餐/茶煲大帝 Breakfast of Champions (1999) 叛艦大行動 Mutiny (1999) 賭世至尊 Thick as Thieves (1998) Ringmaster (1998) The Making of 'Spawn' (1997) 危險天王 City of Instry (1997) 閃靈悍將 Spawn (1997) 山谷兩日 2 Days in the Valley (1996) Captive Heart: The James Mink Story (1996) Lion Strike (1995) Ballistic (1995) 雄霸拳壇泰森傳 Tyson (1995) 紐約重案組 "NYPD Blue" (1993) 俠盜高飛 Full Contact (1993) 再造戰士/魔鬼命令 Universal Soldier (1992) 響火 Ring of Fire (1991) 忍者神龜續集 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991) 真我假我 True Identity (1991) Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie, The (1989) 復仇者 2 Toxic Avenger, Part II, The (1989)

Ⅳ 邁克爾.加.懷特演過的電影

強烈推薦:血與骨 永不退縮2 都是他的片子很好很暴力

Ⅳ 有誰知道這部電影叫什麼名,邁克爾加懷特演的

硬核風暴 The Hard Way (2019)

導演: 基翁尼·韋克斯曼
編劇: 基翁尼·韋克斯曼 / 托馬斯·丘吉爾
主演: 邁克爾·加·懷特 / 魯克·高斯 / 蘭迪·庫卓 / 奧維度·尼庫勒斯庫 / 伊萊亞斯·費金 / 更多...
類型: 動作 / 犯罪
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語
上映日期: 2019-03-05(美國)
片長: 92分鍾

Ⅵ 邁克爾·加·懷特的主要作品

Favela (2013)
我們的聚會We the Party(2011)
14號貨箱 Hangar 14(2011)
美少女特工隊/專扁衰仔 Sucker Punch(2011)
我怎麼又結婚了 Why Did I Get Married Too? (2010)
Three Bullets (2009)
黑色炸葯 Black Dynamite (2009)
血和骨 Blood and Bone (2009)
李小龍傳奇 The Legend of Bruce Lee (2008)
蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士/黑暗騎士(台)/蝙蝠俠:黑夜之神(港) The Dark Knight (2008)
我為什麼結婚了?/後悔莫及 Why Did I Get Married? (2007)
Spawn: The Animation (2007)
The Underground Bounty Hunter (2007)
Justice League Heroes (2006)
終極悍將ⅡUndisputed Ⅱ: Last Man Standing (2006)
Shaughnessy (2006)
隨機人選/玩到盡頭 Getting Played (2005)
飛鷹女俠/飛鷹 Fei ying (2004)
UnConventional (2004)
Playmakers of New Orleans (2003)
Justice (2003)
Pandora's Box (2002)
絕命出路 Exit Wounds (2001)
Wonderland (2000)
The Bus Stop (2000)
捍衛自由 Freedom Song (2000)
Wonderland (2000)
再造戰士2/魔鬼命令2:重返戰場/宇宙戰士2 Universal Soldier: The Return (1999)
冠軍的早餐/茶煲大帝Breakfast of Champions (1999)
叛艦大行動 Mutiny (1999)
賭世至尊 Thick as Thieves (1998)
Ringmaster (1998)
The Making of 'Spawn' (1997)
危險天王 City of Instry (1997)
再生俠Spawn (1997)
山谷兩日 2 Days in the Valley (1996)
Captive Heart: The James Mink Story (1996)
Lion Strike (1995)
Ballistic (1995)
雄霸拳壇泰森傳 Tyson (1995)
紐約重案組 NYPD Blue (1993)
俠盜高飛 Full Contact (1993)
再造戰士/魔鬼命令 Universal Soldier (1992)
響火 Ring of Fire (1991)
忍者神龜續集 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ⅱ: The Secret of the Ooze (1991)
真我假我 True Identity (1991)
Toxic Avenger Part Ⅲ: The Last Temptation of Toxie,The (1989)
復仇者 2 Toxic Avenger,Part Ⅱ,The (1989)
獵鷹突起(2014) Three Bullets (2009)
黑色炸葯 Black Dynamite (2009) 血和骨 Blood and Bone (2009)
Three Bullets (2009)
P.V.C.-1 (2007)
Cross (2006) Three Bullets (2009)
洛杉磯2057 Prototype (1992) 終極悍將Ⅱ Undisputed Ⅱ: Last Man Standing (2006)
毒魔復仇 3 Toxic Avenger Part Ⅲ: The Last Temptation of Toxie,The (1989)
復仇者 2 Toxic Avenger,Part Ⅱ,The (1989)

Ⅶ 誰能告訴我邁克爾加懷特主演過的所有電影

我們的聚會We the Party(2011) 永不退縮2(2011) 14號貨箱 Hangar 14(2011) 美少女特工隊/專扁衰仔 Sucker Punch(2011) 我怎麼又結婚了 Why Did I Get Married Too? (2010) Three Bullets (2009) 黑色炸葯 Black Dynamite (2009) 血和骨 Blood and Bone (2009) 李小龍傳奇 "The Legend of Bruce Lee" (2008) 蝙蝠俠前傳2:黑暗騎士/黑暗騎士(台)/蝙蝠俠:黑夜之神(港) The Dark Knight (2008) 我為什麼結婚了?/後悔莫及 Why Did I Get Married? (2007) "Spawn: The Animation" (2007) The Underground Bounty Hunter (2007) Justice League Heroes (2006) 終極悍將II Undisputed II: Last Man Standing (2006) Shaughnessy (2006) Cross (2006) 隨機人選/玩到盡頭 Getting Played (2005) 飛鷹女俠/飛鷹 Fei ying (2004) UnConventional (2004) Playmakers of New Orleans (2003) Justice (2003) Pandora's Box (2002) 絕命出路 Exit Wounds (2001) "Wonderland" (2000) The Bus Stop (2000) 捍衛自由 Freedom Song (2000) Wonderland (2000) 再造戰士2/魔鬼命令2:重返戰場/宇宙戰士2 Universal Soldier: The Return (1999) 冠軍的早餐/茶煲大帝 Breakfast of Champions (1999) 叛艦大行動 Mutiny (1999) 賭世至尊 Thick as Thieves (1998) Ringmaster (1998) The Making of 'Spawn' (1997) 危險天王 City of Instry (1997) 閃靈悍將 Spawn (1997) 山谷兩日 2 Days in the Valley (1996) Captive Heart: The James Mink Story (1996) Lion Strike (1995) Ballistic (1995) 雄霸拳壇泰森傳 Tyson (1995) 紐約重案組 "NYPD Blue" (1993) 俠盜高飛 Full Contact (1993) 再造戰士/魔鬼命令 Universal Soldier (1992) 響火 Ring of Fire (1991) 忍者神龜續集 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991) 真我假我 True Identity (1991) Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie, The (1989) 復仇者 2 Toxic Avenger, Part II, The (1989)
Three Bullets (2009) 黑色炸葯 Black Dynamite (2009)
血和骨 Blood and Bone (2009) Three Bullets (2009) P.V.C.-1 (2007) Cross (2006)
Three Bullets (2009) 洛杉磯2057 Prototype (1992)
終極悍將II Undisputed II: Last Man Standing (2006) Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie, The (1989) 復仇者 2 Toxic Avenger, Part II, The (1989)

Ⅷ 邁克爾 加 懷特 演過的電影


Ⅸ 邁克爾加懷特最好看的動作片是哪部

血與骨 終極鬥士 都挺好!不過個人認為終極鬥士很棒!功夫動作很中國化!很有看頭。。。。。。



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