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發布時間:2025-01-10 20:53:42

『壹』 求英語作文100單詞左右題目《我最喜歡的電影》最好是帶翻譯的。。

I love watching films, any kind of films, but my chief love would be romcoms (romantic comedies). Since I am living abroad, the movies I watched were mostly foreign made and I seldom have the chance to watch a Chinese one.
If you ask me which one is my favourite then I probably would not be able to name it because I love many of them and can not say which one or ones were the best. Though I can name a few most impressive ones, such as "Four weddings and a funeral", "What happen in LA", "Nottinghill" , "Romancing the stone" and "A cinderella story" etc.

我很喜愛觀看電影,無論任何電影。但我最愛的還要算是愛情喜劇。因為我居於國外,所以我觀看我每多是外國拍攝的電影,很少有機會看中國攝制的。若你要問我那一部是我最喜歡的,那我卻無法告訴你,因為很多部我都喜歡。不過我卻可以說出幾部較為突出的,如 : "Four weddings and a funeral", "What happen in LA", "Nottinghill" , "Romancing the stone" and "A cinderella story" 等等。




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