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發布時間:2024-07-02 21:11:34

⑴ 電影簡介 英文怎麼

Movie Summary

⑵ 電影用英語怎麼說movie



⑶ 哪吒之魔童降臨電影主要內容是什麼英文

Reiki of heaven and earth breeds a mixed bead with huge energy, which is
refined into spiritual beads and magic pills by Yuan Shitianzhong. The spiritual
beads are reincarnated as human beings, which can be used to help Zhou felling.
The magic pills will proce the devil king and be a disaster to the world. The
primordial Heavenly Lord initiated the mantra of heavenly robbery. Three years
later, the thunder will come and destroy the magic pill. Taiyi was ordered to
give birth to Nezha, son of Li Jing's family in Chentangguan. However, Yin and
Yang are wrong, and Lingzhu and Magic Wan have been wrapped up unexpectedly.
Nezha, who should have been the hero of the Spiritual Pearl, has become the
monster of the world. A mischievous and mischievous person has a heroic heart.
However, in the face of people's misunderstanding of the magic pill and the
coming thunder, is it destined to become a demon? Where will he go?

⑷ 英文電影《百萬英鎊》的主要內容概括 要用英文概括 30個詞左右

At first,Adams is mistaken for an eccentric millionaire and hasnotrouble getting food,clothes and a hotel suite on credit .

just by showinghisnote,The story of the note is reported in the newspapers,Adams is welcomed into exclusive social circles.

首先,一對富豪兄弟用一張面值百萬英鎊的現鈔打賭 ,看這張鈔票究竟會給人帶來無盡的財富還是只是一張一文不值的「小紙片」。





⑸ 電影《奇跡男孩》用英文說大概意思


Auggie, a little boy born with facial defects, was taught at home by his mother.


In the fifth grade, he finally had the opportunity to enter an ordinary school.


Auggie, a newcomer to school, was ridiculed and bullied by her classmates because of her appearance.


But with the help of his father, mother, sister, teacher and friends, he finally found self-confidence and changed the views of others with his own actions.




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