導航:首頁 > 電影影評 > 你能跟我一起看電影嗎用英語怎麼說


發布時間:2024-08-27 19:31:52

1. 你想和我們去看電影嗎用英語怎麼

Would you like to watch a movie with us?
Would you like to join us to watch a movie?

2. 你想和我一起去看電影嗎(英語翻譯)

Do you want to go to watch the movie with me?

3. 英語翻譯:你能帶我去電影院看電影嗎

Could you please take me to the conema?
Could you please go with me to the cinema?
Will you please take me to the cinema?
Will you please go with me to the cinema?
另外,go to the cinema本身就有看電影的含義,無需再加to watch/see a movie.


4. 今晚你想跟我們一起去看電影嗎用英語怎麼說

Would you like to go to the cinema with us tonight?

5. 你想和我看電影嗎的英語怎麼說

Would you like to watch a movie with me?

6. 下星期六你能和我一起去看電影嗎英語


Next Saturday, can you go to the movies with me?

7. 星期五你能和我們一起去看電影嗎不好意思,我不能,我不得不照顧我的弟弟。(翻譯為英語)

Can you go to the movies with us on Friday?
Sorry,I can't.I have to babysit(或look after) my brother

8. 和我一起去看電影怎麼樣 翻譯成英語

How about watching a movie with me?

Would you like to watch a movie with me?

9. 你能和我去看電影嗎用英語翻譯七種方式

  1. can you go to the movie with me?

  2. let's go to the cinema , ok?

  3. would you like to see a movie with me?

  4. would you mind watching the movie with me?

  5. how about watch the movie together with me ?

  6. do you want to watch/see a movie/film with me ?

  7. could you go to the cinema with me ?

  8. why not go to the cinema with me?

另外,去看電影可以翻譯為:go to the cinema , go to a movie;

邀請人的話,可以用虛擬語氣,would you like to do sth. ; would you mind doing sth.; do you want / like to do sth., why not ......; let's go to ......



10. 你願意和我一起看電影嗎 英語

would you come with me to see the movie?



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