導航:首頁 > 電影影評 > 今天晚上打算去看電影嗎用英語怎麼說


發布時間:2024-10-13 15:04:20

⑴ 他今天晚上不打算去看電影。怎麼說(英語)

He doesn't want to watch the film tonight

He is not going to wathes the film tonight

He is not planning to watches the film tonight.

⑵ 你想去看電影嗎英語怎樣寫

1,Do you wanna see movie?
2, Would you like to see movie with me ?
3,Do you like to see movie with me ?
4,Are you interested in seeing movie with me ?
5,Do you have interests to see movie with me ?
6,How about seeing movie together?
choose your favourite one . good luck !!!

⑶ 英語翻譯:你今晚要去看電影嗎

will you please go watch a film tonight

⑷ 怎麼用英語翻今天晚上去看電影,怎麼樣

what going to see a film this evening?

⑸ 今天晚上我們是去看電影還是去圖書館 英語翻譯

Are we going to the cinema or the library this evening?

⑹ 今晚我們去看電影吧。用英語怎麼說

let『s go to see a/the movie tonight.因為你就看一場電影 或某個電影所以用a/the,當然除非你要看好多電影要用復數,一般看電影都說let』s go to see a movie,樓上有人既用a又用movies的不知是何意

⑺ 我打算今晚去看電影的英語 .begoingto形式

I'm going to see a movie tonight.

⑻ 我打算今晚去看電影翻譯成英語怎麼說

I'm going to the movies tonight

⑼ 我打算(計劃)去看電影. 英語怎麼說

I will/shall go to cinema 我打算去看電影

go to the cinema是去影院看電影


I shall go to cinema with him.我打算和他去看電影



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