導航:首頁 > 電影影評 > 他最喜愛的電影明星用英語怎麼說


發布時間:2024-10-16 12:40:49

A. 英語翻譯,你知道誰是我最喜歡的電影明星嗎

Do you know who my favourite movie star is? 賓語從句的語序: 連接詞+主語+謂語

B. 英語作文:我喜歡的電影明星(大致意思)

My favorite movie star is Jachie Chan(成龍).He is very famous in the world, he acts many films,like
Resident Evil(生化危機).I really like this action movie,because it's exciting,I also like comedies because it can make me happy.

C. 「電影明星」用英語怎麼

有兩種說法1 movie star 2 movie actor 前者主要指演戲的 後者也可以指表演者

D. 寫自己最喜歡的電影明星的英語作文

My favorite movie star Jackie Chan, he is a great hero in my mind.His efforts very early age for his dream, so he is now one of the world's most famous movie star.He played the movie is very nice, I like his every action in the movie.He played the movies are action films, he is so famous.His Chinese kung fu is not as good as Bruce Lee, but he has his own style.His action films are very humorous and funny, gives me a lot of fun, but also tedious to learn I feel relaxed.Do you like him?

E. 誰能幫我寫一篇名為『我最喜愛的電影明星』的英語作文+誰能幫我寫一篇

My favorite movie starI like the movie star is Jackie Chan.He is a martial arts superstar.Jackie Chan is a Hongkong people.Jackie Chan took a lot of movies.But what I like most is "the treasure plan".Jackie Chan was a very good director, he directed "plan A" we all like to see.Jackie Chan's singing is also very good.It is a pity, I haven't seen Jackie Chan.I wish I could get his autograph.

F. 電影明星用英語怎麼說

"電影明星"的英文是:"movie star"。

在英語中,"movie"一詞用來指代電影,而"star"則是指那些在電影界備受矚目和崇拜的演員。將這兩個片語合在一起,"movie star"就清晰地傳達了"電影明星"這一概念。例如,當我們提到像Marilyn Monroe、Tom Hanks或Leonardo DiCaprio這樣的演員時,他們通常會被稱為"movie stars",因為他們在電影界有著卓越的成就和廣泛的影響力。

此外,"movie star"這一表達也體現了英語中對電影明星的崇拜和尊重。在電影產業中,明星們常常被視為電影的靈魂和代表,他們的表演和形象能夠吸引觀眾,推動電影的成功。因此,"movie star"不僅是一個簡單的詞彙組合,它還蘊含著對電影明星的贊美和肯定。

總的來說,"movie star"是一個直接、明確且易於理解的表達,它能夠准確地傳達"電影明星"這一概念,並在英語中得到了廣泛的認可和使用。無論是在日常交流還是在專業場合中,這個詞彙都能夠有效地幫助人們表達和交流關於電影明星的想法和觀點。



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