導航:首頁 > 電影影評 > 你經常看電影嗎的英語怎麼說


發布時間:2025-02-21 00:23:42

A. 我不常看電影。我通常看電視。英語怎寫

I don't go to the movies go to the cinema/go to see/watch a film/movie very often= I seldom/rarely go to the movies/ go to the cinema/go to see/watch a film/movie. 我不常看電影。
I usually watch TV. 我通常看電視。

B. 翻譯:你喜歡看電影嗎(用英語)

Do you like to watch movies?
Do you go to theatres frequently?

C. 你經常看電影嗎用英語

Do you often go to the movies

D. 你經常去那裡看電影用英語怎麼

Where do you often go to watch movies?

E. 你喜歡看電影么 英語怎麼說

1.Do you like going to the movies?
2.How many days do you have off?
去電影院go to the cinema ,go to the movies 和 go to movies也可以

F. 你們通常在周末看電影嗎(翻譯為英語)

Do you usually go to the movies at weekends?

G. 你經常看電影嗎用英語

Do you often go to watch movies?



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