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發布時間:2025-03-14 00:10:36

❶ 看電影用英語怎麼



1.go to the theater

2.go for a movie/film

go to the theater的英語例句

1. It's a great treat for them to go to the theater.


2. Is it beneath your dignity to go to the theater with such a poor fellow?

與這樣一個窮傢伙一起去看戲有失你的身份 嗎 ?

3. That's why I singled you out to go to the theater with Mr Smith.


4. Will you go to the theater with me tonight?

你今晚願意和我一起去看戲劇 嗎 ?

5. We should definitely dress up to go to the theater.


6. Come and queue up, children, let's go to the theater.

快過來排隊, 孩子們, 讓我們去戲院吧.

7. I want to rent a video rather than go to the theater.


8. Let's go to the theater.

我們看戲去 吧.

9. Would you like to go to the theater?

請您去看戲好 嗎 ?

10. We like to go to the theater together.


11. Did you go to the theater this morning?

你今早去戲院了 嗎 ?

12. Perhaps I'll go to the theater after work.


13. They can go to the theater def to concerts def and to museums anytime.


14. Shall we go to the movies ( the theater, the ballet )?

我們去觀看電影 ( 戲, 芭蕾舞 ),好 嗎 ?

15. A group of us go out to the theater last night.



1. The criticisms will not stop people flocking to see the film.


2. Originally released in 1957, the film was remade as "The Magnificent Seven".


3. She acted in her firstfilm when she was 13 years old.


4. The movie sees Burton psychoanalysing Firth to cure him of his depression.


5. The film starts off realistically and then develops into a ridiculous fantasy.


6. Working with Ford closely, I fell in love with the cinema.


7. Contemporary African cinema has much to offer in its vitality and freshness.


8. The film takes no position on the politics of Northern Ireland.


9. The scriptwriter helped him to adapt his novel for the screen.


10. You will wake to find film crews camped in your backyard.


11. It's ideal for people who like a sloppy movie.


12. Was he going to show the film? Was it in colour?


13. I didn't see that my career as a film-maker was going anywhere.


14. During the filming, Curtis fell in love with his co-star, Christine Kaufmann.


15. Many cinema-goers were stunned by the film's violent and tragic end.


❷ 他叫我去看電影 翻譯成英文怎麼去翻譯

He asked me to see a film.
He asked me to go to the cinema.
He asked me to see a movie.

❸ 約兩個好朋友去看電影情景對話英文

A: Hey John, care to go to the cinema this weekend?
B: Well, I thought you would prefer to go with Cathy.
A: It's the Avengers, man. It's not a girl movie. By the way, I can book the tickets online, just like old time.
B: I got it. Hey look, how about we ask Peter to come along. He has always been a fan.
A: He seems to be working on his essay. I wonder if he's good to go.
B: Just call him now
A: Yup. Ok.
A: (On the phone) Hey Peter, it's Chris. John and I are going to watch the Avengers this weekend. Wanna come along?
C: (On the phone) Yeah of course. I've planned to watch it after this essay.
A: (On the phone) So you've finished?
C: (On the phone) Yup, right on cue man.
A: (On the phone) Excellent. I'll text you about the time once I book the tickets.
C: (On the phone) Thanks man.
A: (On the phone) Bye then.
C: (On the phone) Bye.
B: So, meet you on Saturday I guess.
A: Yup, see you

❹ 約女生看電影的正確方法


boy ; 周末我請你去看電影好不好。

girl ; 我沒時間。

boy ; 下周呢。

girl ; 也沒時間。


boy ; 周未我請你去看電影好不好。

girl ;我沒時間。

boy ; 沒事,我們AA制就好了。

girl ;你請我看電影,還要跟我AA制?

boy ; 對啊,你不是沒時間嗎。

boy ; 那我們AA制你出時間,我出Q。

girl ;哈哈哈,你想的美。

boy ; 你拒絕的借口我都懂。

girl ;你懂啥了。

boy ; 男生找不到女朋友,就像在沙漠里找不到一杯水,女生找不到男朋友,就像在自動售貨機前不知道選哪瓶。

girl ;哈哈哈,哪哪有。

❺ 英文邀約吃飯、看電影,邀請約會共進晚餐!看例句一次學會!

你知道要怎麼 用英文邀約別人吃飯,或是邀請共進晚餐 嗎?學英文的目的就是希望能夠用英文跟別人聊天,既然是聊天,難免就會遇到要用英文邀請別人吃飯,出來閑聊。所以用英文邀約吃飯是很基本的,一定要知道怎麼表達唷。如果你還不知道怎樣用英文輕松邀請別人吃飯、共進晚餐,那就趕快來看這篇英文教學吧!



邀約吃飯、約會,邀請共進晚餐 英文

1.Are you free Saturday evening?你星期六晚上有空嗎?


例: Are you free Friday night? 你星期五晚上有空嗎?

例:Are you free Saturday night? 你星期六晚上有空嗎?

2.Are you busy on the 20th?你20號在忙嗎?

如果你是要邀請某個特別日期,你就可以用「Are you busy on the …?」這樣的方式詢問,問對方某天是不是在忙。

例: Are you busy on the 10th. 你十號有空嗎?

3.What are you up to this weekend?你這周末要幹嘛?


例: What are you up to this weekend? 你這周末要幹嘛?

例: What are you up to next weekend? 你下周末要幹嘛?

除了說 What are you up to…之外,你也可以簡單的說 What are you doing…。

例: What are you doing next weekend? 你下周末要幹嘛?

4.Would you like to go to dinner?要共進晚餐嗎?


例: Would you like to go to dinner? 要共進晚餐嗎?

例: Would you like to go out to dinner with me? 要跟我一起吃晚餐嗎?

5.I was wondering if you』d like to go out. 我在想你是否想跟我約會


例: I was wondering if you』d like to go out. 我在想你是否想跟我約會


例: I was wondering if you』d like to see a movie. 我在想你願不願意跟我一起看個電影。


例: If you』re not doing anything, would you like to go to a party with me? 如果你沒什麼事的話,是否願意跟我一起去舞會呢?

例: If you don』t have other plans, would you like to go dancing? 如果你沒其他計畫,要不要一起去跳舞呢?




1.Are you free Saturday evening?你星期六晚上有空嗎? 2.Are you busy on the 20th?你20號在忙嗎? 3.What are you up to this weekend?你這周末要幹嘛? 4.Would you like to go to dinner?要共進晚餐嗎? 5.I was wondering if you』d like to go out. 我在想你是否想跟我約會

約吃晚餐 英文, 約吃飯 英文, 約會 英文, 約看電影 英文, 邀約 英文, 邀請 英文, 邀請約會 英文



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