㈠ 最好的電影院是哪家用英語是Which還是What提問為什麼
可以這樣表達:Which is the best cinema?
Which cinema is the best ?
Which of the cinemas is the best ?
例句:Whichone do you likebest?你最喜歡哪一個?
1、當先行詞是all,everything,nothing,anything,little等不定代詞,或被first,last,only, few,much,some,any,no等詞修飾時,應該用關系代詞that,不用which。
4、在強調句型「It is〔was〕…that〔who〕…」中,只能用that,不能用which。
㈡ 最好的電影院是哪家用英語是Which還是What提問為什麼
Which is the best cinema?
Which cinema is the best ?
Which one of the cinemas is the best ?
Which of the cinemas is the best ?
㈢ 談談你認為最好的電影院(英語作文)
When we go to see a movie,there are some rules we should pay attention to .Firstly,take away your rubbish and do not litter around in the theater.Also shouting is not allowed inside and when the movie begins,you'd better keep quiet.What's more,after the movie begins,stop walking around which will definitely bother other audience.Last of all,please turn off your mobile phones or shut the sound,in order that you won't interrupt others watching.
㈣ 英語翻譯最好的電影院是哪家
What is the best cinema?
㈤ 【初二英語】求翻譯
最好的電影院是哪一個? 城鎮電影院。 它是離家最近的。 你也能在那裡最快的買到票。
鎮里最差的服裝店是哪家? 夢想服裝店。 它比藍月亮服裝店還要差。
970AM頻道你覺得怎麼樣? 我覺得970AM不太好。 它播的音樂都不好聽。
1。 昨晚我們去了城鎮里最差的飯店。 菜單上居然只有十個菜。 而且服務也不好!
2 藍月亮比較好, 但是米勒是城鎮里最好的。
㈥ 你認為哪個電影院最好英語作文
Hello, today I want to introce some of the best places in Xiangtan .The best cinema in Xiangtan left the cinema, The cinema has comfortable sofas and big screen.And,the best shopping plaza Hualong BBK best hotel, You stay here for one night, only to spend 5 yuan.
There is a comfortable bed in Hua Tian Hotel, Next the best park in the peace park.L like it very much
㈦ 英語作文 初二水平 不要太好 。帶翻譯
I'm Mike,a twelve-year-old boy.I'm outgoing,I usually tell jokes for my classmates.I eat a balanced diet,and the reason why I eat many fruits and vegetables is they are good for my health.我叫Mike,一個十二歲的男孩。我很開朗,我經常向我的同學講笑話。我飲食均衡,我吃很多蔬菜水果的原因是它們對我的健康有好處。
I play football with my friends twice a week because it's my favorite sport.In order to grow taller,I sleep 9 hours every naight.我每星期和我朋友踢足球兩次,因為它是我最喜歡的運動。為了長高,我每天睡8小時。
In addition,I am fond of going to see movies in the weekends.The best movie theatre is Star Cinema,the service there is pretty good.除此之外,我喜歡周末去看電影。最好的電影院是Star Cinema,那裡的服務非常棒。
Last Saturday,I watched a movie called Hachiko: A Dog's Story,it is a feature film.And it is about a affecting story btween a dog and a professor,I think it is the best movie I have seen.上星期六,我看了一部叫做忠犬八公的故事的電影,這是一部劇情片。這電影是關於一條狗和一個教授的故事。我認為這是我看過的最好的電影。
㈧ 你們城市裡最好的電影院是哪一家為什麼說他是最好的,請說明理由 寫一篇70詞左右的英語作文
最佳答案 初冬浴日漫感 離開故居一兩個月,一旦歸來,坐到南窗下的書桌旁時第一感到異樣的,是小半書桌的太陽光。原來夏已去,秋正盡,初冬方到,窗外的太陽已隨分南傾了。 把椅子靠在窗緣上,背著窗坐了看書,太陽光籠罩了我的上半身。它非但不...
㈨ 最好的電影院是哪個 星光電影城。那裡有最大的銀幕。 但是我認為電影世界是最受人歡迎的。翻
Which is the best movie theater? Star cinema. There is the biggest screen. But I think the movie world is one of the most popular.
㈩ 鎮上最好的電影院是那家用英文翻譯
Which is the best theater in the town?