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发布时间:2024-07-29 06:05:19

㈠ 大学英语:::战争电影的英文PPT

穿条纹睡衣的男孩 The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas


The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (The Boy in the Striped Pajamas in the United States) is a 2008 British film based on the novel of the same name by Irish writer John Boyne. Directed by Mark Herman and proced by David Heyman, it stars Asa Butterfield, Jack Scanlon, David Thewlis, and Vera Farmiga.

A Holocaust drama, the film explores the horror of a World War II extermination camp through the eyes of two eight-year-old boys, one the son of the camp's Nazi commandant, the other a Jewish inmate.

SS officer Ralf (David Thewlis) and his wife Elsa (Vera Farmiga) move from Berlin to the countryside with their children, twelve-year-old Gretel (Amber Beattie) and eight-year-old Bruno (Asa Butterfield), after Ralf is promoted to commandant of a Nazi concentration camp, of which Bruno refers to as "Out-With", although later in the movie his sister keeps protesting that his pronounciation is incorrect, which brings us to the conclusion that the camp is probably Auschwitz.

Confined to the grounds of the family's new home, without friends, Bruno craves companionship and adventure. He eventually escapes through the window of an outhouse, treks through the woods, and emerges at an isolated, unguarded corner of the concentration camp, which he initially believes to be a farm. There, he befriends Shmuel (Jack Scanlon), a boy of the same age. Bruno returns frequently thereafter, bringing Shmuel food and playing games with him through the barbed wire fence. Shmuel graally disabuses Bruno of the idea that the people in the camp are farmers; he tells Bruno that he and his family have been imprisoned, and forced to wear the "striped pajamas," because they are Jews.

Bruno and Gretel's tutor, Herr Liszt (Jim Norton) feeds the children a diet of antisemitic bigotry and nationalist propaganda under the guise of teaching them history. In response, Gretel becomes increasingly fanatical in her support for the Third Reich. She covers her bedroom wall with Nazi propaganda posters, and flirts with Lieutenant Kurt Kotler (Rupert Friend), a mean and nasty Nazi unlike Ralf, as her budding sexuality becomes fixated on the ideal of the German soldier. In contrast, Bruno is skeptical of Liszt's teachings. The Jews Bruno knows, Shmuel and the family's kindly servant Pavel (David Hayman), do not resemble the tutor's antisemitic stereotypes. He also witnesses savage, senseless acts of Nazi brutality that conflict with the propaganda ideal of military heroism. One night, when Pavel accidentally overturns Kotler's wine glass at the table, the furious officer drags Pavel out of the room. Through the ajar door to the kitchen, we see Kotler's jackboot delivering vicious kicks, and are led to presume that the elderly man dies from the brutal beating.

After Pavel's death, Shmuel is sent to the commandant's home in the role of a houseboy. When Bruno comes across the hungry boy cleaning glasses in the house, he gives him some cake. When Kotler sees crumbs on Shmuel's lips, and accuses him of stealing, Shmuel tells the officer the truth: Bruno is his friend, and Bruno gave him the cake. Terrified, Bruno betrays Shmuel, saying that he has never seen the boy before and that Shmuel stole the cake. Some days later, a remorseful Bruno finds Shmuel at the fence, with his eye badly beaten. Shmuel forgives Bruno, and the boys shake hands through the fence.

From a comment of Kotler's about the stench from the crematoriums, Elsa learns that Ralf presides over an extermination camp, not a labor camp as she has been led to believe. Thereafter, the couple argue repeatedly about Ralf's role at the camp and the children's proximity to it. Eventually, they decide that Elsa will take the children to their Aunt Lotte's in Heidelberg. But the day before Bruno is e to leave, Shmuel reveals that his father has gone missing in the camp. Seeing an ideal opportunity for a final adventure, Bruno digs a hole beneath the barbed wire the following morning, changes into prison clothing that Shmuel has stolen for him, and enters the camp to help Shmuel find his father. Inside, Bruno is horrified by the dehumanization, starvation, and sickness; the camp is the very antithesis of the Theresienstadt-esque propaganda film that had shaped his prior impressions.

As the boys search fruitlessly for Shmuel's father, they become intertwined with a group of prisoners who are being herded toward the gas chambers. Inside, everyone is instructed to undress for a "shower." A soldier wearing a gas mask pours Zyklon B granules into the chamber. Bruno and Shmuel grasp each other's hands tightly as the lights go out.

Back at the house, Elsa discovers that Bruno is missing, and raises the alarm. Using tracking dogs, Ralf and other soldiers follow the boy's trail through the woods. When they discover his discarded clothing at the camp's perimeter, and see the hole g beneath the fence, Ralf races inside, searching desperately for his son. Seeing the gas chamber doors locked, Ralf realizes what has happened and cries out in anguish; hearing him, Elsa and Gretel fall to their knees sobbing over Bruno's clothes. The family is left to face the tragic irony that Bruno has become a victim of the Nazi death camp run by his own father.



㈡ 我想用英文介绍《天下无贼》这部电影,并制作出精美并有创意的PPT,谁能帮帮我啊!


A con-team couple (Andy Lau & Rene Liu) head west after taking a city businessman for his BMW. But an encounter with a naive young carpenter travelling home with his life savings challenges their fate as thieves.

Two grifters, Wang Bo and Wang Li, a couple who've been arguing, board a train in rural China. He wants to fleece a peasant, nicknamed Dumbo for his naiveté, who's carrying 60,000 yuan and trusts everyone. She wants to protect the hick kid, an act of expiation brought on by prayer and a visit to a temple. Also on board are one of more sets of thieves, including a calculating boss and his femme fatale. The boss wants to recruit Wang Bo, and a series of contests ensue, with the potential of turning deadly. While Li guards Dumbo from Bo and the others, can she and Bo sort out their relationship? And can Dumbo's simple spirituality touch anyone else?

影片类型(Genres:): Action | Crime | Drama

Feng has traditionally proced a movie each year close to the new year, but the tone of his movie has grown darker and sadder. A World without Thieves is another example of this progression.
The story is simple, but the characters have layers, and the dialog remains classic Feng-style as ever. All performances are good to great. The villain role is set up perfectly for Ge You. The proction value is the most polished I've seen from a Feng's film. The camera work, the editing, and the music score all feel artistic and are mixed together quite well.

Feng Xiaogang has made himself the fame of making good holiday films in the past several years. Most of them achieved the purposes of making laugh and making people a happy new year.

This one is the best one in that both in the filming and proce, it has more meaning and more depth. Well, it is still not an 'art' movie. It is still just targeted for box income.

The performance of actors and actresses is OK, not too much to exceed what they are usually doing. By maintaining their perform, this movie achieve the adequate balance between a good movie (usually a heavy one) and a laughter making movie.


㈢ 姹備竴绡囥婅秴鍑¤湗铔涗緺1銆嬬殑鐢靛奖鑻辨枃绠浠嬶紝浠诲姟鐨勪粙缁嶄篃鍙浠ワ紝瑕佸仛涓涓狿resentation锛屾眰鑻辫濂界殑浜哄府涓蹇欍

銆屼綘濂斤紝寰堥珮鍏磋兘鍔╀綘鎴愰庣牬娴锛岄搮鍞濡傛灉鏄澶у﹁嫳璇婕旇瞤resentation鐢ㄧ殑PPT璇濓紝灏辫佽嚜宸插啀绠瑁よ触鍗曠粍缁囦竴涓嬪枖锛侊紙涓嬮厤鏈変腑鏂囨愮函鍩癸紝鍔╀綘浜嗚В銆傦級銆 Plot: Tells the story of the orphan Peter parker (Andrew Garfield ornaments>from MeiYi sojourn in tertiary (Sally field) and class (Ma Dingxin) home, introverted shy he was often bullied at school, but along with the fall in love with a person of the school, Gwen stacy, parker decoration><Emma stone, innocent playmates pure first love let his lonely life find hope. Class when parker in uncle's home found father left behind a mystery bag after, he began to search for clues to the mysterious disappearance of parents, and thus find father lab partner Dr. Connor (, Ivan). After an accident was a spider bite, parker suddenly different from ordinary people have of flying climbing ability, become the media and society discuss the dropping of the mysterious figure: spiderman. Secret let parker spiderman must be in front of his girlfriend and she served as police chief father hide identity, and when he found Dr Connors's true identity is actually the villain lizards Dr. Connors, parker, how to face the outside world for spiderman identity and ability question, desperate to save New York citizens from disaster? Chinese name: spider-man Foreign names: The backpacks Spider - Man Other name: new spider-man, the amazing spider-man, spider-man 4 and spider-man prequel, spider-man: surprise again Proction time: July 3, 2012 Proction company: Columbia company Proction areas: the United States Director: marc webb Writer: Steve dieter Type: action, science fiction, thriller Starring: Andrew Garfield, Emma stone Running time: 136 min Release time: 2012-07-03 Rating: pg-13 鍓ф儏锛 璁茶堪浜嗗ゅ効褰煎緱路甯曞厠銆堝畨寰烽瞾鍔犺彶灏斿痉 楗般変粠灏忓瘎灞呭湪姊呭Ж(鑾庤帀璐瑰皵寰 楗)涓庣彮鍙(椹涓佽緵 楗)瀹朵腑锛屽唴鍚戝崇緸鐨勪粬鍦ㄦ牎閲岃櫧甯歌娆鸿礋锛屼絾闅忚憲甯曞厠鐖变笂瀛︽牎鐨勯庝簯浜虹墿鏍兼俯路鍙查粵瑗裤鑹剧帥鏂閫 楗般夊悗锛屼袱灏忔棤鐚滅殑绾绾鍒濇亱璁╀粬瀛ょ嫭鐨勭敓鍛芥壘鍒板笇鏈涖傚綋甯曞厠鍦ㄧ彮鍙斿朵腑鍙戠幇鐖朵翰鐣欎笅鐨勪竴涓绁炵樺寘鍖呭悗锛屼粬寮濮嬪绘壘褰撳勾鍙屼翰绂诲囧け韪鐨勭嚎绱锛屽苟鍥犳ゆ壘涓婄埗浜插綋骞村疄楠屽ょ殑浼欎即搴风撼鍗氬+(鐟炴柉浼婂嚒楗)銆傚湪涓娆℃剰澶栭伃铚樿洓鍜浼ゅ悗锛屽笗鍏嬬獊鐒舵嫢鏈夊紓浜庡父浜虹殑椋炲ぉ鏀鐖鑳藉姏锛屾垚涓哄獟浣撲笌绀句細璁ㄨ烘尀浼愮殑绁炵樹汉鐗╋細铚樿洓浜恒傝湗铔涗汉鐨勭樺瘑璁╁笗鍏嬪繀椤诲湪濂冲弸鍙婂ス鎷呬换璀﹀療灞闀跨殑鐖朵翰闈㈠墠闅愯棌韬鍒嗭紝鑰屽綋浠栧彂鐜板悍绾虫柉鍗氬+鐨勭湡瀹炶韩浠藉叾瀹炴槸澶у弽娲捐湧铚村崥澹搴风撼鏂锛屽笗鍏嬭ュ備綍闈㈠瑰栫晫瀵硅湗铔涗汉韬浠戒笌鑳藉姏鐨勮川鐤戯紝涓嶉【涓鍒囨尯韬鑰屽嚭锛屾嫰鏁戠航绾﹀競姘戝厤浜庣伨闅惧憿锛 涓鏂囧悕锛 瓒呭嚒铚樿洓渚 澶栨枃鍚嶏細 The Amazing Spider-Man 鍏跺畠璇戝悕锛 鏂拌湗铔涗緺銆佺炲囪湗铔涗緺銆佽湗铔涗緺4銆佽湗铔涗緺鍓嶄紶銆佽湗铔涗汉锛氭儕濂囧啀璧 鍑哄搧鏃堕棿锛 2012骞07鏈03鏃 鍑哄搧鍏鍙革細 缇庡浗鍝ヤ鸡姣斾簹鍏鍙 鍒剁墖鍦板尯锛 缇庡浗 瀵兼紨锛 椹鍏嬄烽煢甯 缂栧墽锛 鍙茶拏澶路杩鐗瑰瘒 绫诲瀷锛 鍔ㄤ綔锛岀戝够锛屾儕鎮 涓绘紨锛 瀹夊痉椴伮峰姞鑿插皵寰锛岃壘鐜浡锋柉閫 鐗囬暱锛 136min 涓婃槧鏃堕棿锛 2012-07-03

㈣ 急!英语presentation,关于电影的,大家推荐一下,还有怎么弄比较好

在介绍电影前你可以出示一些New Words,加深别人的理解。presentation正文完毕后,还可出些小问题让大家回答。

㈤ 急需用英语介绍电影《无间道》的PPT,谢谢~~

Buddhist Departed eight among the most painful hell. The film "Infernal Affairs" as the title, apparently pregnant with meaning. Two identities should not have to belong to their own people, they live in almost a similar seamless hell environmental dream afraid that people expose their own identity. In this world, in the end what is the truth of life, the truth in life, the role of loss is the choreographer on the issue discussed. Enter the seamless hell no reincarnation, only to suffer forever but the two main characters in the film, but in seeking the reincarnation. 1991, 18-year-old member of triad society Liu Jianming (Andy Lau) to obey Brother Protagonist (Eric Tsang) indicates to enter the Police Academy to learn to become police undercover. While another student in the police academy Yeung-Jen Chen (Tony Leung), by the police arrangement is ostensibly its forced to drop out, in fact, is to let him into the triad when undercover. Liu Jianming, after graating from the police academy smoothly into the police station, and posts rise higher and higher, and has become one of the A-team of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau, to take advantage of opportunities ring this period, he Protagonist provide a lot of intelligence. Yeung-Jen Chen in recent years has been the Protagonist's initial trust, but As the Protagonist cases do not always break, he only ever stay in the gang, only yellow police inspector (Anthony Wong) and his one-way communication. One night in 2002, according to Yeung-Jen Chen undercover intelligence informed a group of drugs is about trading, while trading one of Protagonist, but Liu Jianming timely message to the Protagonist it managed to escape, but both sides found their own internal club "the ghost", began a fierce arena began for. In the final outcome, the two sides, "the ghost" recognize their own identity, but Liu Jianming one step ahead of Yeung-Jen Chen, already in police files deleted, but retained before deleting a backup, password girlfriend Mary birthday. After pondering, Liu Jianming decided to be a good person, and give him a chance request Yeung-Jen Chen, Yeung-Jen Chen letter, on Liu Jianming. Last Yeung-Jen Chen died in a the Protagonist another police undercover gun under Liu Jianming killed that shot undercover. Yeung-Jen Chen sacrifice identity replies, everyone respects him.

㈥ 关于经典英语电影台词的ppt,要用作课前五分钟。要中英文都有,背景用电影剧照。

《勇敢的心》 WILLIAM WALLACE:“Fight,and you may die.Run,and you''ll live at least a while.

And dying in your beds many years from now.

Would you be willing to trade?

All the days from this day to that,

for one chance,just one chance,

to come back here and tell our enemies

that they may take our lives,

but they''ll never take our Freedom!



㈦ 100分求一关于英文经典电影的PPT(急用)

My Favorite Movie - Star Wars

My Favorite Movie - Titanic



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