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发布时间:2021-05-16 19:11:32

① 求电影《怎么又是你》的电影原声

01. Queen - We Are The Champions
02. Heart - Barracuda
03. Daryl Hall And John Oates - Kiss On My List
04. Black Eyed Peas - Pump It
05. Dick Dale His Del-Tones - Misirlou
06. Kreesha Turner - Bounce With Me
07. Sixpence None the Richer - Kiss Me
08. Britney Spears - Toxic
09. Connie Francis - Who's Sorry Now

② 电影〈怎么又是你〉结尾曲

Daryl Hall And John Oates - Kiss On My List

③ 求《怎么又是你》电影插曲


④ 怎么又是你完整版电影


⑤ 美国电影 怎么又是你 英文版剧情简介

The film opens in 2002 with Marni (Kristen Bell), an acne-riddled high school senior with glasses and braces, making a video about how much she hates high school, and reveals how she is tormented and bullied by other girls. Years later, in 2010, however, she is a successful public relations executive, recently promoted to a job in New York. When she flies home to her older brother's wedding, she discovers her brother Will (James Wolk) is about to marry her arch nemesis Joanna (a.k.a. Jay-jay) (Odette Yustman), the woman who bullied and tormented her throughout high school. When Marni finally meets Joanna for the first time in 8 years, Joanna appears to have changed, having become quite involved in volunteer work, including nursing. She appears to be a sweet woman, but Joanna seems to not recognize Marni. Marni is also upset to see that Joanna fits in very well with the family. The plot thickens when her mother Gail (Jamie Lee Curtis) meets up with Joanna's aunt Ramona (Sigourney Weaver), a woman who pushed Gail into a pool at their senior prom for unclear reasons, despite having been friends throughout high school. Ramona is now a successful and wealthy woman who owns several hotels and a private plane.

Although Gail seems willing to put the past behind her, she still feels the need to "outdo" Ramona ring their interactions together. On the other hand, Marni is unwilling to forget the things Joanna did to her in high school, unless she apologizes, and decides to try and let her brother know of Joanna's bullying past. Her attempts to get Will alone for a conversation fail. When Marni lets on to Joanna that she knows who she really is, it is obvious that Joanna remembers Marni. She refuses to give Marni a meaningful apology, and treats her disrespectfully, leaving Marni convinced that Joanna has not changed. Meanwhile, Gail comes to Ramona's hotel room for "closure" about anything bad between them that happened in the past. They appear to make up, but Ramona still seems not to be too fond of Gail.

One day on the street, Will and Marni's grandmother Bunny (Betty White) meet a man named Tim (Kyle Bornheimer). Joanna reveals that they have dated, and Tim appears devastated when he hears that she's marrying Will. It is obvious that Joanna and Tim's relationship was much more than dating. Marni decides to bring Tim to the rehearsal dinner as part of her plan to stop the wedding. When it is time for guests to make a toast to the bride and groom, Tim unexpectedly jumps up to give his toast to Joanna. He reveals that they were almost about to get married, but because of "cold feet," Joanna left him at the altar. This information surprises Will (and everyone else). Later, a video is presented (with footage obviously recovered by Marni) from their old high school timecapsule. The video reveals Joanna as she was in high school: an alpha-female bully, with the footage showing proof of her tormenting Marni. Will unplugs the video projector before the video is complete and walks out, furious.

However, Marni is in trouble when everyone discovers that she was responsible for the video at the rehearsal dinner. Marni decides to talk with Joanna, hoping to reconcile, but Joanna is too furious and tells Marni "I thought we could start over." Marni is now convinced that Joanna hasn't changed and walks away. Joanna then starts a fight with Marni, and Marni reciprocates, and they both break several dishes and wedding gifts. Will walks in and witnesses the fight. He tells Joanna that he doesn't care about her bullying past or that she had once been engaged to Tim. He is only mad at her for not being honest with him. He tells Marni that he is furious at her for going behind his back in order to stop the wedding.

Meanwhile, Ramona and Gail argue after the rehearsal dinner. Ramona expresses anger at Marni's actions, but accuses Gail of always trying to ruin her life throughout high school. A light cat-fight ensues with both of them falling into the pool. Ramona reveals that she always had contempt for Gail, despite the fact that they were friends, because she always competed with and outdid her. But she became enemies with Gail when she took the boy that Ramona wanted to the prom. She sarcastically thanks Gail for what she did, because it motivated her to become successful in life. Gail apologizes for being an "insensitive" friend, but reveals that she is proud of Ramona, and that her family is her accomplishment. Ramona, remorseful of her actions, tells Gail that she was jealous, not only of their rivalry, but because she was jealous that Gail had a loving family, while Ramona is divorced with no husband or children, except Joanna, whom she felt Gail was trying to take from her. Gail and Ramona reconcile and are friends once again.

Later that night, Marni finds Joanna in the kitchen binging on junk food (in pity over losing Will). She finally admits to Marni that she feels truly awful for bullying and tormenting her and feels like an awful person, and that she truly loves her brother. Marni forgives her and promises to get back Will. The next day, Marni pretends to be injured in order to attract Will's attention, and apologizes to him for her actions. She says that she only did it to protect Will from "the woman (she thought) Joanna was."

Joanna and Will reconcile in Marni's old tree house, but it collapses and injures both of them. They are both forced to stay at a hospital (with Marni's father, a doctor, taking care of them) and delay the wedding. However, Marni puts together a makeshift wedding at the hospital, with the bride and groom bandaged, but properly dressed and able to walk down the aisle. Marni appears to start a relationship with Charlie, her brother's good friend who was always kind to her. Joanna introces Marni's grandmother Bunny to her grandmother Helen. It is revealed that grandma Helen (Cloris Leachman), and grandma Bunny were enemies in high school when Joanna's grandmother stole a boy from her. However, Bunny gets her revenge when she takes away a potential male dancer from her.

⑥ 求欧美电影怎么又是你网盘分享


⑦ 电影 怎么又是你 插曲

全部插曲曲目,你可以在线试听下吧: 01.Driving With The Top Down 02.Iron Man [2008 Version] 03.Merchant Of Death 04.Trinkets To Kill A Prince



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