『壹』 我还没看过那部电影用英语怎么说
I have not seen that film yet.
『贰』 别人问你有没有看过这部电影,怎样用英语回答说没有
I have not seen this movie yet!
『叁』 我还没有看过这部电影翻译成英语怎么说
I have not seen the film yet.
『肆』 翻译英语 我好久没去看电影了。
1\I haven't watched a movie for a long time.
2\I haven't watched the movie for a long time.
3\I haven't see the film for a long time.
4\I haven't gone to the cinema for a long time
5\I haven't been to the cinema for quite a long time.
6\I haven't seen film for a long time.
7\I haven't been to the cinema for a long time.
『伍』 英语“我没看过这部电影。”怎么说
I've never seen/watched this movie/film.
『陆』 我还没有看过这部新电影翻译
I haven't watched this new movie yet