导航:首页 > 电影影评 > 这个周末将有一场新电影英语怎么说


发布时间:2024-10-06 22:11:27

⑴ 制定周末看电影的计划(是动作片) 英语作文 初一水平 60个词

Tomorrow is weekend ,I plan to watch a action movie . first,I will chose a wonderful movie,I like Jacky Chen,so I will chose his movie。Before I watch the movie,I will invite my good friends to watch with me,so we will have fun all.when we watch ,we will talk about the great show of the acters.At the end ,we will plan another plan of watching movie !so, we will have a good weekend!

⑵ 每逢周末她都会去看一场电影英语

She goes to see a movie every weekend.
She goes to the cinema on weekends.

⑶ sally 打算这个周末去看电影用英语怎么翻译

Sally planed to go to cinema this weekend.

⑷ 英语时态造句(跪求,急)


你住在哪儿?Where do you live?
你的衣服是什么颜色?What color is your dress?
月亮绕着地球转The moon goes round the earth.
他们为人民努力工作.They work hard for the people.

这里出过许多事故。There have been a lot of accidents round here
感谢你为我所做的一切。Thank you for all you’ve done for me.
说来容易做来难.(谚语)Easier said than done.
你去过北京没?Have you ever been to Beijing?
你已找到你的钢笔了吗?Have you found your pen yet?

未来将会和平吗? Will there be world peace?
There is going to be a film in our school this weekend.
我下个月去度假。I'll go on holiday next month.

他住在中国多长时间了?How long did he live in China?
电话总算通了。I finally got my call through.
他爬起来继续跑。He got up and went to running.

他们正在屋里干什么?What are they doing in the room?
我们正在等你。We are waiting for you.
男孩子们正在玩球。The boys were playing with balls.

⑸ 英语这个周末我打算去电影院和妈妈一起去看电影

This weekend I plan to see a film together with my mother.

⑹ 鐢靛奖鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇达紵

Movie銆丗ilm鍜孧otion Picture閮芥槸琛ㄧず鈥滅數褰扁濈殑鑻辫璇嶆眹锛屼絾瀹冧滑鐨勪娇鐢ㄥ満鍚堝拰鍚涔夌暐鏈変笉鍚屻備笅闈㈡槸瀹冧滑鐨勫尯鍒鍙婁妇渚嬭存槑锛
1. Movie鍜孎ilm
- 鎴戜滑鍛ㄦ湯鍘荤湅浜嗕竴閮ㄥソ鐢靛奖銆俉e went to see a good movie over the weekend.锛堝彛璇锛
- 杩欓儴鐢靛奖鏄20涓栫邯70骞翠唬鐨勭粡鍏稿奖鐗囥俆his film is a classic from the 1970s.锛堜功闈㈣锛
- 浠栨槸涓鍚嶇數褰卞埗鐗囦汉銆侶e is a movie/film procer.锛堝彛璇鍜屼功闈㈣閫氱敤锛
2. Motion Picture
Motion Picture涔熸槸琛ㄧず鈥滅數褰扁濈殑璇嶆眹锛屼絾瀹冩洿渚ч噸浜庣數褰辫壓鏈鍜屾妧鏈鏂归潰鐨勬湳璇銆侻otion Picture杩欎釜璇嶉氬父鎸囩殑鏄涓閮ㄧ數褰变綔鍝佺殑鎵鏈夋柟闈锛屽寘鎷鎽勫奖銆佸兼紨銆佸壀杈戙侀煶涔愮瓑绛夈備緥濡傦細
- 杩欓儴鐢靛奖鑾峰緱浜嗗ゥ鏂鍗℃渶浣冲姩鐢荤煭鐗囩殑鎻愬悕銆俆his motion picture was nominated for an Oscar for Best Animated Short Film.锛堝︽湳銆佽壓鏈鍜屾枃鍖栭嗗煙锛
- 鎴戜滑闇瑕佹洿濂界殑璁惧囨潵鍒朵綔杩欓儴杩愬姩鐢婚潰銆俉e need better equipment to create this motion picture.锛堢數褰卞埗浣滄柟闈锛
1. 鎴戜滑鍘荤湅浜嗕竴鍦虹數褰憋紝鏄涓閮ㄥ姩浣滅墖銆 We went to see a movie, which was an action film.锛堝彛璇锛
2. 杩欓儴褰辩墖鑾峰緱浜嗗氫釜鍥介檯鐢靛奖鑺傜殑澶у栥俆his film has won numerous awards at international film festivals.锛堜功闈㈣锛
3. 浠栫殑姊︽兂鏄鎴愪负涓鍚嶇數褰卞埗鐗囦汉锛屽埗浣滃嚭缁忓吀鐨勮繍鍔ㄧ敾闈銆侶is dream is to become a movie/film procer and make classic motion pictures.锛堥氱敤锛



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