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发布时间:2024-10-10 05:45:47

❶ 叫我第一名电影英文简介

Front of the Class is a 2008 American docudrama film directed by Peter Werner that is based on the 2005 book Front of the Class: How Tourette Syndrome Made Me the Teacher I Never Had by Brad Cohen and co-authored by Lisa Wysocky, which tells of Cohen's life with Tourette syndrome and how it inspired him to teach other students.
The book was made into a Hallmark Hall of Fame TV movie starring newcomer James Wolk—a 2007 University of Michigan graate[1]—and featuring Treat Williams and Emmy Award-winning actress Patricia Heaton as Cohen's parents; the movie aired on CBS on December 7, 2008.
Synopsis 概要
Brad Cohen's story starts when he is a young boy and his mother helps doctors to realize that he has Tourette syndrome. With the support from his mother and school principal, Brad is a success story, becoming a motivational speaker and an award-winning teacher.(这部电影改编自布莱德·柯恩的真实经历故事,克服学习困难,如愿成为一位教师。)
Plot 情节
Twelve-year-old Brad lives in Missouri with his divorcée mother, Ellen, and younger brother, Jeff. He constantly gets into trouble with his father Norman and his teachers at school e to his tics. In one class, his teacher calls him to the front to make him apologize to his class for disrupting the class and promise he won't do it again. Determined to find out what is wrong with her son, Ellen seeks medical help. A psychiatrist believes that Brad's tics are the result of his parents' divorce. One lady suggests an exorcism. Ellen takes her search to the library and comes across Tourette syndrome (TS) in a medical book. She shows this to the psychiatrist, who agrees with the diagnosis, and says that there is no cure. Brad and his mother attend a support group for the first and last time. From then on, Brad aspires to never be like the other members of the support group and to become successful.
At the beginning of middle school, Brad is sent to the principal's office for being disruptive. The principal invites him to the school concert later in the afternoon. At the end of the concert, which Brad's Tourette's tics had disturbed, he calls Brad up to the stage and asks Brad to talk about his TS. As Brad makes his way back to his seat, the school applauds him.
As an alt, Brad lives with his house mate Ron in Georgia, and is looking for work as an elementary school teacher. He is turned down after 24 interviews because of his TS. He finally gets an interview where the staff is accepting and they give him the job.
On his first day, Brad explains his TS to the children. He helps Thomas with reading and makes an impression on Heather, a girl with terminal cancer. Another student's father pulls her out of Brad's class as he fears Brad will distract her.
Brad meets Nancy on an online dating site. After dating her for some time, he invites her over for Thanksgiving back at Ellen's house, where he tells Nancy he loves her, and the feeling is reciprocated. He confides in Ellen his concern that Nancy will get fed up with his tics, but she reassures him that he must not let his TS get in the way.
An observer at the school assesses Brad's teaching, and the head teacher announces that Brad has been chosen to receive the Teacher of the Year award, which he accepts in front his family, friends and students. The ending titles tell that Brad got his master's degree; he dressed up as Homer, (Atlanta Braves) mascot; he married Nancy in 2006; and a photograph of the real Brad Cohen teaching his class is shown.
布莱德的杰出表现赢得许多的赞美与认同。甚至,在一步一步走出属於他的人生道路的当口,他不仅收获了爱情,与父亲之间的心结也有了转圜的机会。在布莱德任教届满一年时,他获颁乔治亚洲最佳新进老师奖。在颁奖典礼上,他感谢自己的亲人,学校裏的学生和同事,以及改变了他一生的妥瑞症。他於2006年与南西结婚; 并展示了真正的布莱德科恩教授他的课程的照片。)

❷ 急求迪士尼的全部英文动画电影!!!!一定要英文版的,急急急!!!

1937/12/21 Snow White and Seven Dwarfs (白雪公主和七个小矮人) 1
1940/02/07 Pinocchio(皮诺曹/木偶奇遇记)2
1940/11/13 Fantasia (幻想曲) 3
1941/10/23 Dumbo(小飞象)4
1942/08/13 Bambi (小鹿斑比) 5
1943/02/06 Saludos Amigos (致候吾友) 6
1945/02/03 The Three Caballeros (三骑士) 7
1946/04/20 Make Mine Music (为我谱上乐章) 8
1947/09/27 Fun and Fancy Free (米奇与魔豆) 9
1948/05/27 Melody Time (旋律时光) 10
1949/10/05 The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad
(伊老师与小蟾蜍大历险) 11
1950/02/15 Cinderella (仙履奇缘)12
1951/07/28 Alice in Wonderland (艾丽斯梦游仙境) CLASSICS-13

1953/02/05 Peter Pan (小飞侠) 14
1955/06/16 Lady and the Tramp (小姐与流氓) 15
1959/01/29 Sleeping Beauty (睡美人) 16
1961/01/25 101 Dalmatians (101忠狗) 17
1963/12/25 The Sword in the Stone (石中剑) 18
1967/10/18 The Jungle Book (森林王子) 19
1970/12/24 The Aristocats (猫儿历险记) 20
1973/11/08 Robin Hood (罗宾汉)21
1977/03/11 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
(小熊维尼历险记) 22
1977/06/22 The Rescuers (救难小英雄) 23
1981/07/10 The Fox and the Hound (狐狸与猎狗) 24
1985/07/24 The Black Cauldron (黑神锅传奇) 25
1986/07/02 The Great Mouse Detective (妙妙探) 26
1988/11/18 Oliver &; Company (奥丽华历险记) 27
1989/11/17 The Little Mermaid (小美人鱼) 28
1990/11/16 The Rescuers Down Under (救难小英雄澳洲历险记) 29
1991/11/22 Beauty and the Beast (美女与野兽) 30
1992/11/25 Aladdin (阿拉丁) 31
1994/06/15 The Lion King (狮子王) 32
1995/06/23 Pocahontas (风中奇缘) 33
1996/06/21 The Hunchback of Notre Dame (钟楼怪人) 34
1997/06/27 Hercules (大力士) 35
1998/06/19 Mulan (花木兰) 36
1999/06/18 Tarzan (泰山) 37
2000/01/01 Fantasia/2000 (幻想曲2000) 38
2000/12/15 The Emperor's New Groove (变身国王) 39
2001/06/15 Atlantis: The Lost Empire (失落的帝国) 40
2002/06/21 Lilo & Stitch (星际宝贝) 41
2002/11/27 Treasure Planet (星银岛) 42
2003/11/01 Brother Bear (熊的传说) 43
2004/04/02 Home on the Range (放牛吃草) 44

1953-02/05 Peter Pan (小飞侠) 14
1955-06/16 Lady and the Tramp (小姐与流氓) 15
1959-01/29 Sleeping Beauty (睡美人) 16
1961-01/25 101 Dalmatians (101忠狗) 17
1963-12/25 The Sword in the Stone (石中剑) 18
1967-10/18 The Jungle Book (森林王子) 19
1970-12/24 The Aristocats (猫儿历险记) 20
1973-11/08 Robin Hood (罗宾汉)21
1977-03/11 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
(小熊维尼历险记) 22
1977-06/22 The Rescuers (救难小英雄) 23
1981-07/10 The Fox and the Hound (狐狸与猎狗) 24
1985-07/24 The Black Cauldron (黑神锅传奇) 25
1986-07/02 The Great Mouse Detective (妙妙探) 26
1988-11/18 Oliver &; Company (奥丽华历险记) 27
1989-11/17 The Little Mermaid (小美人鱼) 28
1990-11/16 The Rescuers Down Under (救难小英雄澳洲历险记) 29
1991-11/22 Beauty and the Beast (美女与野兽) 30
1992-11/25 Aladdin (阿拉丁) 31
1994-06/15 The Lion King (狮子王) 32
1995-06/23 Pocahontas (风中奇缘) 33
1996-06/21 The Hunchback of Notre Dame (钟楼怪人) 34
1997-06/27 Hercules (大力士) 35
1998-06/19 Mulan (花木兰) 36
1999-06/18 Tarzan (泰山) 37
2000-01/01 Fantasia/2000 (幻想曲2000) 38
2000-12/15 The Emperor's New Groove (变身国王) 39
2001-06/15 Atlantis: The Lost Empire (失落的帝国) 40
2002-06/21 Lilo & Stitch (星际宝贝) 41
2002-11/27 Treasure Planet (星银岛) 42
2003-11/01 Brother Bear (熊的传说) 43
2004-04/02 Home on the Range (放牛吃草) 44

1998虫虫特工队 (A Bug's Life)
1999 玩具总动员2 (Toy Story 2 )
2000 跳跳虎历险记(The Tigger Movie)
2001 怪兽电力公司(Monsters, Inc.)
2002 仙履奇缘2:美梦成真( Cinderella II: Dreams Come True)
2003 小猪大电影 (Piglet’s Big Movie)
2004 超人特工队 (The Incredibles)
2005四眼天鸡 (Chicken Little )
2007 料理鼠王(Ratatouille )
2007 仙履奇缘3:时间魔法( Cinderella III: A Twist in Time )
2008 小叮当/奇妙仙子 (Tinker.Bell)
2008机器人总动员/瓦力( The Walle)
2008 闪电狗 Bolt
2012/6/22 勇敢传说 58
2012/11/2 无敌破坏王 59
2013/11/27 冰雪奇缘 60
2014/6/20 沉睡魔咒 61[1]

❸ 绿皮车电影英文名字

您说的应该是绿皮车电影的因为名字,答案是Green Book。

❹ 俩盏灯是什么电影公司,以皮字开头,是三个字


❺ 外国电影公司皮字开头有哪些


❻ 请问大家知道电影<<画皮>>的英文名字么

painted skin




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