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发布时间:2024-10-24 04:21:02

❶ 疯狂原始人(电影)用英语怎么

电影名字翻译可不只是字面翻译,the croods--疯狂原始人

the croods字面翻译是克鲁德一家 croods是姓氏。
疯狂原始人字面翻译大概是mad/crazy... primitive bla bla bla?

❷ 电影《疯狂原始人》英文介绍

Eep is a girl in a family of Neanderthal Cavemen living and hunting in pre-historic times, talking about how her family is one of the few to survive nearby, mainly e to the strict rules of her overprotective father, Grug. Grug never allow to explore. This irritates the bored and adventurous Eep, and when the family falls asleep after dark, she ignores her father's advice and leaves the cave when she sees a light moving outside the cave. Eep是生活在史前的穴居猎人家庭的一个女孩。她的家庭是附近少有的幸存下来的种族,这都源于他父亲过于严苛的规定,他禁止外出冒险。但正是这项禁止反而激起了Eep的冒险精神,当晚家族成员都睡着时,她看到洞外的光亮,不顾父亲的告诫,离开洞穴。Seeking the light's source, she meets Guy, an intelligent Cro-Magnon caveboy. She becomes fascinated with the fire he manages to create and is eager to learn more. He tells her about his theory that the world is reaching its 'end' and asks her to join him. She refuses and Guy leaves, but not before giving her a noise-making shell to call him if she feels the need for help. Shortly afterwards, Eep is then caught by Grug, he brings Eep back home, planning to keep her in the cave for the rest of her life. An earthquake then occurs, sending everyone running for the cave, only to be stopped by Grug moments before the cave is destroyed by falling rocks. Grug takes his family into the deep forest to find a new cave. 她追寻着光亮,遇到了一个聪明的男孩。她开始着迷于他制造的火种,并且渴望能够学会。男孩告诉她自己的理论,他觉得世界末日将尽,邀请她加入他的队伍。她拒绝了,但表示在他需要帮助时可以找她。Eep被爸爸抓到了,带回了家并且打算让她的余生都在洞穴里度过。忽然地震发生了,恰好在洞塌之前,所有人都跑了出来。爸爸不得不带着家族深入森林寻找一个新的洞穴。After they leave, they soon found a colorful world.They meet a lot of animals and the guy who created fire. A new life has just begun. 他们离开之后,很快发现了外面的世界丰富多彩。他们遇到了很多动物,以及会生火的男孩。新生活才刚刚开始



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