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发布时间:2024-12-12 09:12:39

『壹』 80个英文电影或动画片经典句子


1. 动画片《Star Trek》(星际旅行)片头语:Space, the last frontier. These are the voyagers of the starship - Enterprise. Their five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek up new life and new civilizations, and boldly go where no man has gone before!

2.美剧《Heros》(超能英雄): Save the cheer-leader, save the world.

3.大部分美剧的片头提示:Viewer discretion is advized.

4.美剧《Band of brothers》(兄弟连)第十集最后, 里高特翻译德国将军的讲话:Men, it's been a long war, it's been a tough war. You have fought bravely,proudly,for your country. You are a special group, who have found in one another a bond. That exists only in combat. Among brothers, who shared foxholes,held each others in dire moments, who've seen death and suffered together.
I am proud to have served with each one of you.
You all deserve a long and happy life in peace.

5.电影《独立日》,Will Smith击落外星人飞船,并打开舱盖痛扁外星人后的一句:"Welcome to the earth!"

6.美国漫画《行尸走肉》里,Rick对众人的一句话:"Zombies are not the walking dead. We are !"

7. 电影《星球大战》,尤达大师常说的一句:"May the force be with you"



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