① 喜欢看电影的英语
我喜欢看电影的英语说作"filmwatch",在日常中也可以翻译为"go to cinema",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到24个与我喜欢看电影相关的释义和例句。
1. filmwatch
2. go to cinema
我喜欢看电影翻译为go to cinema。
示例:Look,just go to a cinema and sit it out till it's dark. just go to a cinema and sit it out till it's dark.
3. see a movie
我喜欢看电影翻译为see a movie。
示例:Keep up this level of work, and i will see to it your name is on my movie. Keep up this level of work, and I will see to it your name is on my movie.
4. see a film
我喜欢看电影翻译为see a film。
示例:Did you see the film Trading Places? 你看过"扭转乾坤"这部电影吗? Did you see the film Trading Places?
1. filmwatch(看电影)
2. see a film(看电影)
3. see a movie(看电影)
4. moviegoing(常看电影
5. go to cinema(看电影去)
3. You guys seen any movies you like?
4. She and i loved that movie.
5. i mean, i like to read, but i love to watch movies because in movies they don't…
译文:我喜欢读书 但更爱看电影因为电影……
6. You don't have to talk at the movies. That's true, you don't have to talk.
译文:带他看电影 看电影不用说话。
7. Pardonable i like to see a movie so.
8. - The movies. - The movies. ok.
译文:看电影 看电影,好。
9. Yeah, it's gonna be the best movie ever!
译文:- 看电影?。
10. i have no other hoppy... i have only flickers
11. i've been watching them since i was a kid.
12. Because i've always liked watching them.
13. i'm going to watch the movie.
14. i don't... i don't really like movies.
15. Why? She hates when i sit around and i watch movies and i don't contribute.
② 和他们讨论这部电影用英语怎么说两种表示法
Talk about the movie with/to them
Talk with/ to them about the movie
③ 他们经常谈论新电影 英语怎么说
they often talk about new movies
④ 用英语怎么说我也喜欢看电影
这句话用英语来说就是 "I like watching movies too, especially action movies."。
如果你喜欢看动作片,你可以说:"I love action movies." 或者 "Action movies are my favorite."。
如果你想表达对电影的兴趣,但不具体说明类型,可以简单地说:"I enjoy watching movies."。
如果你在看某部电影,并且想表达你喜欢它,你可以这样说:"I really like this movie."。
如果你想让别人也喜欢上电影,可以推荐一部电影并说明理由:"You should watch this movie. It's really great." 或者 "You need to see this movie. It's amazing."。
"I'm a movie buff." 表示你对电影有浓厚的兴趣。
"I'm a film critic." 表示你对电影有专业评价能力。
"I'm a movie buff. I love watching movies." 这句话结合了前面两个表达,表示你对电影有浓厚的兴趣,并且喜欢看电影。
⑤ 1.“讨论有趣的电影”用英语怎么说
英语翻译:Talking about interesting movies.
或:Discuss interesting film.
讨论:discuss; debate; talk over; talk about; kick something around
有趣:interesting;amusing;fascinating;as good as a play;divertingness
电影:film;movie;cinema;motion picture;cine
⑥ 我们最喜欢谈论的话题是电影 英语
Our favourite subject of conversation is movie.
Our favourite topic is movie.