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发布时间:2021-05-18 18:48:18

A. 英语电影术语

关于电影的类型:documentary (film) 记录片,文献片、literary film 文艺片、musicals 音乐片、comedy 喜剧片、dracula movie 恐怖片

documentary (film) 记录片,文献片:纪录片是以真实生活为创作素材,以真人真事为表现对象,并对其进行艺术的加工与展现的,以展现真实为本质,并用真实引发人们思考的电影或电视艺术形式。

literary film 文艺片:文学艺术影片的简称。文学性和艺术性并存,区别于商业电影。

musicals 音乐片:音乐片是类型片的一种,指以音乐生活为题材或音乐在其中占有很大比重的影片。

comedy 喜剧片:喜剧片指以笑激发观众爱憎的影片。

dracula movie 恐怖片:“恐怖片”是以制造恐怖为目的的一种影片。


演职人员名称:assistant cameraman 摄影助理、property manager/propsman 道具员、art director 布景师、stagehand 化装师、lighting engineer 灯光师、film cutter 剪辑师、sound engineer/recording director 录音师、scenario writer, scenarist 剧作家、direction 导演、distributor 发行人

B. 最高电影票房收入列表英文怎么说

List of highest-grossing films

C. 电影:“票房”英文怎么说

[词典] [口] booking office; [口] box office; [旧] a club for amateur performers of Beijing opera; ticket office;
Jurassic Park had broken all box office records.

D. 电影票房用英语怎么说

The movie box office

E. 而中国电影票房同比增长48.69%用英语怎么说

While China's film box office rose 48.69%

While China's film box office rose 48.69%

F. 电影热词:“票房冠军”英语怎么说

Box office king
Box office chamipon

G. 《捉妖记》成为国产电影票房新冠军,"票房"英语怎么说


"The box office"

H. 电影票房 用英语怎么说

box office

Box office business can be measured in terms of the number of people who see it or the amount of money raised by ticket sales (revenue).

I. 这部电影的票房是多少。用英语怎么说。不要翻译器的

What is the box office of the movie?

How much is the box office of the movie?


J. “可以说,六大电影公司囊尽了全球80%以上的电影票房收入”用英语怎么说

It can be believed that the six biggest film companies represent more than 80 percent of the global box office .



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